Local government authority requires assistance completing NPI and NGER reports

The company in this case study has been anonymised for confidentiality purposes.


Greenbase was approached by a Local Government Authority (LGA) managing numerous operations including a Landfill for which there was an obligation to report pollutants under the National Pollutant Inventory program as well Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme.

Lack of highly trained staff

High turnover of staff responsible for NPI and NGER reports meant the LGA had issues with the loss of corporate knowledge. This resulted in enhanced costs and delays associated with the ongoing training of new staff members, inconsistent reporting, and low confidence in the completeness and overall standard of the then submitted reports.

Each of these issues lead to reports being produced in very short time frames as well as the reporters being unaware that the NGER corporate threshold was tripped, resulting in the LGA needing to report on all facilities/operations it controlled.


The Solution: How Greenbase solved the problems faced by the LGA

Greenbase took a number of steps to solve the problems faced by the LGA.

Firstly by completing a full facility review, Greenbase was able to identify the various reporting requirements, boundaries and thresholds.

Next, by liaising with LGA staff Greenbase was able to prepare all relevant data/documentation and provide assistance with sorting, validation and preparation of reports. 

Finally, Greenbase assisted with the entry of data onto the EERS online system and preparation for the final report submission.

Furthermore, Greenbase carried out reviews of past reports, in order to produce recommendations on any required resubmissions and after this, implemented these re-submissions of reports with significant omissions.

Benefits: The Greenbase Difference

Greenbase’s intervention in the LGA’s emissions reporting meant that their report was completed in time for submission and they were confident that all reporting requirements and thresholds were upheld. 

The LGA was also confident that the re-submitted reports were now up to standard, and will uphold in the event of an audit.

Greenbase also stores all information in a secure online environment with a controlled Document Management System. This data is auditable with links to relevant methods used and data sources referenced appropriately.


Safeguard: selecting baselines